Liven up your Twitter Posts

I'm a huge fan of Twitter and I often find myself re-tweeting a lot of interesting content from a lot of the same sites that I follow. I was looking for a way to automate some of this and found a recently added new feature in Google that allows me to automatically re-tweet content even whilst I'm away. This has the benefit of saving you time as well as keeping your tweets interesting.

I will attempt to explain below how to do this. It's very simple and should take you just a couple of minutes. We shall be doing this for one of my favorite tech sites, Mashable.

1) First thing we need to do is to use our existing Feedburner account or to create a new one. Simply goto Feedburner and log in or create a free account.

2) Next we need to get the RSS Feed of the site that we want to tweet about eg goto Mashable and find the RSS Feed. In this case they have a nice big RSS Icon so you simply right-click and copy the link. Most sites have easily identifiable RSS Links/Icons and most modern browsers will also put an RSS Feed Icon on your address bar

3) Now that we have the RSS Feed link address which should be ( we then goto our Feedburner account and paste it into the Burn Feed Now box and press Next.

4) Then we give it a name and press next.

5) Now Press Next on the next 2 screens until you see the following.

6) Now click the Publicize Tab and then the Socialize link

7) Now click on Add Twitter Account button and follow the instructions to add your Twitter Account. You can then customize how you want your Tweets to appear and you get a preview of what they will look like at the bottom.

8) Finally click on the Activate button at the bottom an you're good to go.

Now whenever Mashable make a new post on their blog you will automatically send a tweet out to your followers.

You can add as many Feeds from your favorite sites as you like to Feedburner to keep your twitter lively and interesting.

Let me know if you have any problems and hopefully you will find this useful.


  1. Brilliant, I love the idea! I may give this a whirl someday, but for now I'm just going to keep my tweets/RT's manual and real. It's the social in 'Social Media' that's still the fun part of Twitter for me... I could see this easily getting out of hand very quickly with some of the more active feeds :-)

  2. Hey, thanks for stopping by.

    Yes, you need to choose your feeds carefully. You can also set how
    many post to post to limit the number from any busy feeds.

  3. Thanks Sharon.Had no idea you could do this.I will give it a try later

  4. Thanks and let me know if you have any trouble. I use for this blog as well which saves me having to tweet out when I have a new post!
